April 14, 2024

Us, Him, Them

Since Jesus always prayed and did the Father's will, being one with Him, how can we say that the Father has not answered His Son's prayer, "May they be One ... as We are One...?"  Might it be that it is we who do not PERCEIVE His Father's answer: "Yes!" given centuries ago to Jesus? We ARE the answer to His prayer. The body of Christ is us. We extend timelessly from Jesus' Resurrection into the future, into forever. We stretch over the entire planet, making it His by loving as He does.

April 6, 2024

Smurf Observed

The “scene” created near me, while I painted this higo tree, is burned in my memory. Doing art in a public place draws observers. This noble tree, a protected species in Nayarit, is on the grounds of a series of hot springs just outside of Tepic. Casa de NiƱos’ family playday picnic was happening all around me, as were other family gatherings. I began with bright aqua blue oil paint disguised among all the water-based acrylic. Blueness got on my hands, then my face; and the more I tried to wash it off with water, the more it spread. I gave up and stayed a “smurf” for the whole picnic.

As different folks came to watch, I noticed a kind of magical recognition in some of their faces. They saw anew the special qualities of the original garden, long before trampling feet. I’d have had an attentive audience had I thought to declare with words the Goodness and Beauty of our Creator, as seen in that place, in each other, and in Jesus thru whom all things have their being. Who could NOT have listened to the blue-skinned gringa who spoke Spanish?

Visual art speaks like no words can. Like music, it opens the soul its own way, where words might never reach. It is appropriate to worship with art, as Scripture tells us to do: worship God with all our heart, mind and strength... with our whole life.

Many folks preach with words, some with songs, and others in many creative ways, but we all preach what we believe with our observable lives. 

May we all shine with His Glory as we move about on the planet.

March 25, 2024

Spirit Wind ~ (new series & restart)


It's amazing that my last post was in 2012!  However, the writing has been growing all these years. I hope my readers are still around. 

I especially like combining the verbal and the visual. This piece is on the cover of my indie publication of the same name, 21 pages, 8x8 hardbound limited edition. you can find it on my linktree.

November 29, 2011


"God creates ~ us in His image ~ so we create."

The adventure will be to paint this in acrylic on a four-foot canvas-covered disc before its unveiling at the Bethel Church Bazaar in Redding, December 3. This original is only 8.8 inches square, in water-based ink and india ink on watercolor paper. The 4' painting will rotate around its center about 3 inches from the wall, and may even have some rainbow fabric attached to its edge to enhance its mobility.

November 21, 2011


Seth would grunt this while taking a joyful warrior stance when he wanted to emphasize something he was sharing. He and his Bethel Church team were encouraging and edifying our congregation, New Song. I had been wondering for weeks of how to illustrate a wonderful song lyric describing God: “clothed in rainbows.”  Seth, his smile and his stance became my model for the Spirit that breaks through. My colors flew as I listened.

July 28, 2011

Tsunami Heart

It would be nice to know what you see here. I've gotten some great interpretation feedback.

April 29, 2009

Just Click

Try to chase the sunset with a camera-
into the neighbor’s field
down into the orchard mists.
Find a shot. click.
Look around.
Whoa! over there behind
It’s all around me.
Pheasants flap away.
fast! it’s changing colors.
Give up.

Just try to fill words with sunset
while wrapped ‘round in
moving purple mauve.
Try to fill a teaspoon with ocean.
here, only beauty
too big for a box
now, all eternity
too quick for a lifetime.
Try to fill minutes with majesty. Rather,

Behold Him
and never be the same again.
Say “cheese,"
He’s smiling back at you.


September 15, 2007

Leap of Love

Ahhh... Faith! It's so lovely on this mountainto...oop....
Omigosh, where's the ground?
How high we goin', God?
You're sure about this?
Whaddaya mean, "Aren't YOU sure?"
Watch out! The ground's coming up awful fast!
Yes, I remember all the great things You have done.
OK, "Breathe deep and enjoy the ride." Got it.
Whose idea WAS this, anyway?
Whooa! Look at that! Beautiful!
Your wings are so wonderful, Lord, it seems as if it's ME doing the flying.
Yes, I'm hanging on.
This 18x24" crayon drawing was begun in the context of worship. The human figure was drawn separately and carefully to show purity between the two, then cut out and placed on the bird. The artwork was then scanned and modified in PhotoShop. You can see a larger version by clicking on the image.

He Delights

A large poster, splashed out in a worship service reads "He delights in you and me".