September 15, 2007

Leap of Love

Ahhh... Faith! It's so lovely on this mountainto...oop....
Omigosh, where's the ground?
How high we goin', God?
You're sure about this?
Whaddaya mean, "Aren't YOU sure?"
Watch out! The ground's coming up awful fast!
Yes, I remember all the great things You have done.
OK, "Breathe deep and enjoy the ride." Got it.
Whose idea WAS this, anyway?
Whooa! Look at that! Beautiful!
Your wings are so wonderful, Lord, it seems as if it's ME doing the flying.
Yes, I'm hanging on.
This 18x24" crayon drawing was begun in the context of worship. The human figure was drawn separately and carefully to show purity between the two, then cut out and placed on the bird. The artwork was then scanned and modified in PhotoShop. You can see a larger version by clicking on the image.

He Delights

A large poster, splashed out in a worship service reads "He delights in you and me".