April 29, 2009

Just Click

Try to chase the sunset with a camera-
into the neighbor’s field
down into the orchard mists.
Find a shot. click.
Look around.
Whoa! over there behind
It’s all around me.
Pheasants flap away.
fast! it’s changing colors.
Give up.

Just try to fill words with sunset
while wrapped ‘round in
moving purple mauve.
Try to fill a teaspoon with ocean.
here, only beauty
too big for a box
now, all eternity
too quick for a lifetime.
Try to fill minutes with majesty. Rather,

Behold Him
and never be the same again.
Say “cheese,"
He’s smiling back at you.



Haven Yates said...

Hey, I like your blog. Thanks for the link. I like the painting you've got posted, I've seen you painting, but I don't think I saw anything finished. It's cool to see here. Well, gotta go for now, good to hear from ya.

Bernie said...

Hey, Haven, this is good stuff. I like that you Challenge but don't push, leaving the answer to the person and his God. Of course having your songs in my living room was better...

Anonymous said...

This painting reminds me f an old movie ""The Flight of The Pheonix"" HE JESHUA HAMASHIAH takes us in an Eternal Flight From Death to Life!!! W.O.W:: Work of Wonders In Progress by the ONLY WORKER OF PROGRESS ""JESHUA""

Gerald Mathias Dagenais
Gatineau Canada

Bernie said...

Merci, Gerald. L'on peint, l'autre viot, c'est le meme Ésprit.

Anonymous said...

I like your blog. Nice readings.